Taxi a Barcellona
Taxi a Barcellona
Come funzionano i taxi a Barcellona? Il regolamento generale
Il servizio taxi di Barcellona applica due tariffe: la tariffa urbana per il traffico nell'area metropolitana di Barcellona e la tariffa interurbana, autorizzata dal governo regionale catalano, che si applica ai percorsi fuori città.
Le tariffe devono essere addebitate tramite un tassametro, che deve essere collocato in un punto ben visibile del veicolo. Il conducente deve sempre accenderlo all'inizio del viaggio e spegnerlo alla fine.
Se il passeggero ha dei bagagli, il conducente deve aiutare a caricarli e scaricarli dal bagagliaio.
I bambini di età inferiore ai 12 anni devono sedere sul sedile posteriore dell'auto e devono essere sorvegliati in modo da non distrarre il conducente.
Non è consentito mangiare, bere e fumare durante il viaggio, anche se il conducente e il passeggero sono d'accordo.
Se volete che il taxi vi aspetti dopo un primo viaggio, il conducente può chiedervi di pagare il tragitto percorso fino a quel momento, ma ha anche il diritto di chiedervi di pagare il prezzo della mezz'ora di attesa se siete in città e di un'ora se siete fuori città. Se non siete tornati entro la fine di questo periodo, può interrompere il servizio.
Il taxi deve ammettere passeggeri non vedenti accompagnati dai loro cani guida (Legge del Parlamento della Catalogna 10/1993).
Da sapere:
- Le tariffe dei taxi sono stampate su un adesivo posto sul finestrino posteriore del taxi.
- Il tassametro indica l'importo esatto da pagare. Chiedete sempre una ricevuta.
- Ricordate di portare con voi monete o banconote di piccolo taglio per le tariffe fino a 20 euro.
Approfittate del nostro attuale biglietto combinato: servizio di taxi aeroportuale + carta di viaggio Hola

Trasferimento privato + Trasporto illimitato:
> L'autista viene a prendervi all'aeroporto di BCN
> Trasferimento al vostro alloggio
> Tessera di trasporto illimitata per 3 giorni: metropolitana, autobus, treno, ecc.
Acquistate qui il vostro biglietto combinato: Servizio taxi aeroportuale + carta di viaggio Hola
Come si prende un taxi a Barcellona?
A Barcellona e nei comuni dell'area metropolitana, il modo più comune di prendere un taxi per strada è quello di recarsi in una delle stazioni di taxi, oppure di salutare per prendere un taxi vuoto che si sta avvicinando.
Alle fermate, i clienti devono prendere il primo veicolo nell'ordine di partenza. I tassisti in strada non possono far salire i passeggeri a meno di 50 metri da una fermata.

I luoghi più appropriati per fermare un taxi sono gli angoli delle strade. Gli utenti devono tenere presente che i tassisti non possono effettuare manovre improvvise o fermare i loro veicoli in aree che rappresentano un rischio per il traffico.
I passeggeri possono prendere un taxi anche nelle stazioni dei centri commerciali e delle aree di servizio.
Se più persone richiedono lo stesso taxi nello stesso momento, il tassista deve procedere come segue:
Per prima cosa si occuperà di coloro che si trovano sul lato della strada corrispondente alla direzione di marcia.
Darà la precedenza alle persone anziane o con handicap fisici, come le donne incinte o le persone che viaggiano con bambini piccoli. Se nessuno di questi criteri può essere applicato al caso, la priorità sarà data alla persona anziana.
Il servizio non può essere rifiutato a nessuno, a meno che la persona non mostri un evidente stato di ubriachezza o di intossicazione da stupefacenti, o perché le condizioni dell'utente o del suo bagaglio potrebbero causare danni prevedibili al veicolo.
Il tassista può, a sua discrezione, consentire l'accompagnamento di animali domestici.
In nessun caso il tassista può rifiutare un cane guida che accompagna il suo padrone o una sedia a rotelle per una persona disabile.
Come faccio a prenotare un taxi per telefono a Barcellona?
Il telefono è un mezzo molto efficiente per prenotare un taxi. È possibile ordinare un taxi chiamando uno dei 20 centri taxi/radio che operano nell'area metropolitana di Barcellona.
Alcune di queste centrali dispongono di un sistema di gestione della flotta che consente loro di inviare un taxi nel luogo richiesto dall'utente.
Il numero del taxi ordinato viene comunicato per telefono o via SMS.
Il taxi arriverà nel luogo richiesto con il tassametro in funzione e la tariffa non dovrà superare quella minima (vedi adesivo sul lunotto).
Tariffe e metodi di pagamento dei taxi di Barcellona

Le tariffe dei taxi sono stabilite annualmente dalla città. Le tariffe e i supplementi autorizzati sono uguali per tutti i tassisti.
Le tariffe per il servizio taxi nell'area metropolitana di Barcellona sono stampate su un adesivo apposto sul lunotto dei veicoli.
Ricordiamo che:
Il T-1 viene applicato di notte nei giorni feriali tra le 20:00 e le 8:00, e 24 ore su 24 il sabato, la domenica e i giorni festivi in tutta l'area metropolitana.
Il T-2 viene applicato durante il giorno (dalle 8:00 alle 20:00) nei giorni feriali lavorati in tutta l'area metropolitana.
Prezzi per l'area metropolitana di Barcellona in PDF
Oggetti smarriti in un taxi di Barcellona
Oggetti smarriti al seguente numero di telefono: 902 101 564
1. Si tratta di un servizio telefonico che ITM mette a disposizione dei tassisti e degli utenti per facilitare la ricerca di un oggetto smarrito o trovato nel veicolo taxi.
2. Non è un luogo dove lasciare o recuperare un oggetto smarrito o ritrovato.
3. Il servizio telefonico è attivo dalle 8:00 alle 20:00, dal lunedì al venerdì.
4. Una casella vocale risponderà ai vostri messaggi nel resto del tempo e durante i fine settimana e i giorni festivi.
5. Il tassista o l'utente possono utilizzare questo servizio online per fare le loro dichiarazioni.
6) Per qualsiasi altra domanda, si prega di scrivere a questo indirizzo e-mail:
Prezzi in inglese per l'area metropolitana di Barcellona in PDF
taxi aeroport barcelone - Lili (31 Mar 2013 - 13:00)
Juste des voleurs et menteurs. 38 euros de l'aeroport à la rue du doctor trueta soit 8km. Explications scabreuses sur les taxes, valises, itinéraire par le centre ville....
résultat plus de 30 minutes de trajet au lieu de 15 et une visite guidée du centre ville non demandée......
Lost Property - Helen (17 Mar 2013 - 10:15)
Just found on taxi website - Lost Property phone no. 902 101 564 - I guessed you have tried this, but thought I'd mention it anyway.
Way over charged - R Lomanto (12 Nov 2012 - 09:15)
On Nov. 7th 2012 I came in from a cruise and needed to go to the airport Terminal 1, I ask the cab driver what it would cost to get to the airport she said it is meter, since I travel a lot but not in Europe I thought I was safe with the meter, when we reached the airport the meter read 27E the dirt bag cab driver ask for 60E I ask why this much, she replied it was the night rate, since I was in a hurry to get to the gate I payed her, but Barcelone will never see me ever again, not even if I had a all expeses payed trip to Spain. Europe is a total rip off, stay out of there, a bunch of thies.
Lost Camera - 10/22/12 - Kelley Archer (27 Ott 2012 - 10:30)
lost Plum colored Nikon Coolpix in black case 10/22/12 on trip to airport.
Keep the camera but please send back our anniversary pictures!
First picture on camera is our name and address.
Thank you!
Lost camera - 10/22/12 - Kelley Archer (26 Ott 2012 - 08:45)
Lost Plum colored Nikon Coolpix in black case in cab in Barcelona on trip to airport.
The first picture on the camera is our name and address. Keep the camera but please send back our pictures! 900 once in a lifetime photos of our anniversary trip.
Lost iphone4 - Laura (24 Ott 2012 - 12:30)
Lost an iphone 4s yesterday on a taxi from Barceloneta to Plaza Espana. There is a passcode on the phone and case. Will pay hefty reward for its safe return. Please email at Thank you.
Taxi rates and surcharges - aviator1945 (14 Ott 2012 - 10:30)
To all foreigners: Before you leave for Barcelona, make sure that you bring a print-out of the following web page, which details the correct taxi rates and surcharges:
Taxi #3618 will OVERCHARGE you! - jessi (12 Ott 2012 - 09:00)
On october 9, 2013, we unfortunately got into taxi #3618 at the airport and asked to be taken to the harbor. He told us the fare would be 32e, but once we arrived he told us 38e (the meter read 24e). He refused to give us our two bags until we paid the extra money. He also refused to drop us off at the front of the hotel - probably because he did not want the hotel doorman to find out he was overcharging customers. DRIVER #3618 IS DISHONEST AND SHOULD HAVE HIS LICENSE TAKEN AWAY!!
lost my phone - roman (11 Ott 2012 - 10:15)
Lost my phone in a cab. Very old black nokia. Almost without paint. Write me on gmail: thanks!
barcelona cabbies are dogs - nick box (2 Ott 2012 - 08:30)
i was also ripped off 20euro each trip to and from the airport due to the "Airport tax" both times the meter read 20 but after a few buttons where pressed they added a quick 20 onto the total they are scum fuck spain never again
Lost black iPhone 4 (28-09-2012) - Thomas Weldon (30 Set 2012 - 10:45)
My wife and I were transported from Barcelonita (club Catwalk) to Belvitge metro stop last night and I let the driver use my iphone to navigate. Please email me at if you have the phone.
Perdido iPhone 4 - Thomas Weldon (30 Set 2012 - 10:45)
Mi esposa y yo nos transporta desde Barcelonita (club Catwalk) a Bellvitge parada de metro anoche y dejó al conductor usar mi iPhone para navegar. Por favor envíeme un correo electrónico a si tiene el teléfono.
Lost my phone - D Wilson (16 Set 2012 - 23:30)
Lost my phone in a barca taxi, but taxi driver took it back to my hotel big shout out to driver. That wouldn't happen in glasgow! Gracias!
CANON 550D - (15 Set 2012 - 10:15)
Dia 11 septiembre me deje en el maletero de un taxi prius con una pegatina de la virgen en el parabrisas, una camara CANON 550D, dentro de su funda negra. Pagaria recopensa por la targeta de memoria.
El trayecto fue Aeropuerto T1-Villarroel 108, el martes 11 a las 22:45
Lost Black Pesol Sunglasses - Amar Ahlers - (11 Set 2012 - 07:45)
Hey, I lost my sunglasses in a taxi at "carrer de Muntaner 605" today (Small, black from Pesol).. Any help is greatly appreciated. Glasses arent that expensive but I will give 30€ to who finds them.
Gross over charge of taxi service & speeding - Mr A P Smith (8 Set 2012 - 10:15)
Our hotel, 1898 0n La Rambla 1098, phoned for a taxi to take us to Franco rail station. It arrived and our cases were put in the boot. The driver drove at speeds which put my wife and I in fear of our lives. We were aware how far it was to the station and how much approxamately it would cost as we had come from the station to the hotel. The taxi went all round the houses and not a direct route. This was not the first time this had happened on the day as we had used two other taxis which had obviously taken a longer route to get more money. When we arrives at the station the meter show 10e and was then adjusted to read 17.5e.We complained and after a very heated argument he reduced it to 10e. If we had had our bags out of the boot at this point I would have called the police but i was affraid he would go off with the bags. It is a pity that drivers rip off non Spanish speaking tourists( probally not all drivers I must say) In short I will not be going back to that place and do not suppose that any thing will be done but I will be talking to the hotel, british consulate and spanish authorities.
MOVIL SAMSUNG GALAXY GT-I9100 - marco (6 Set 2012 - 10:00)
El 01/09/2012 olvidé en un taxi el movil SAMSUNG NEGRO GALAXY. Recorrido fue del aerpuerto del prat al barrio de Sant Andreu.Si lo ha encontrado ruego se pongan en contacto por teléfono al 608606180.
Muchas gracias
Taxi scams - Andy (25 Ago 2012 - 15:00)
Similar experience to others - fare from airport to Place Espanya on meter was E12.65. Went to pay and was asked for E29.65. Refused, but was told this was taxes, bags, etc. Said, OK, but not E17 worth and again refused. Driver said he would call the police and I agreed. Police arrived in about 4 minutes. Listened to my side and his, and then asked another cab driver. Turns out the minimum fare from the airport is E20. This didn't explain the discrepancy, but the airport tax is E3.10, E1 per bag, and E2 for something else. Made E20.75, which I paid. Police seemed to know he was lying, but he had cancelled the meter by the time they arrived and they advised me to accept that there had been a misunderstanding. I was told by a friend who has lived in Barcelona for years to immediately call the police about anything suspicious with taxi drivers
Lost digital camera - Robbin van Rooij (21 Ago 2012 - 08:15)
We lost our digital camera last night in the taxi from the W hotel to the Melon District Hotel around 02:00. My girlfriend put the camera in the back of the passenger seat and forgot about it.
The camera is not that expensive, but the pictures on it are. We will pay €50,- for the camera if it is found, we are in Barcelona for a couple of more days!
Please contact: 0031624637271 or
Thanks in advance!
lost blackberry bold - hesperia towel guest. (7 Ago 2012 - 09:45)
taxi taken from old bull ring ( now a shopping mall down from fountains) got taxi to hotel. we would pay to have this phone back due to the family photos on here?
Perte appareil photo - Raphaël GERARD (31 Lug 2012 - 09:45)
J'ai 15 ans et j'ai oublié mon appareil photo dans un taxi à Barcelone le mercredi 18 juillet 2012 vers 17h00, après un trajet avec ma famille de La Sagrada Familia à la Place de la Catalunya.
Je n'ai pas relevé le numéro du taxi car je m'en suis aperçu après.
L'appareil photo numérique est un PENTAX gris métal qui était dans son étui noir avec écrit dessus PENTAX en gris.
J'offre un récompense de 30 euros. Ecrire à ou tel : 06 19 99 72 78
Merci beaucoup par avance.
Perte appareil photo - Raphaël GERARD (30 Lug 2012 - 22:00)
J'ai 15 ans et j'ai oublié mon appareil photo dans un taxi à Barcelone le mercredi 18 juillet 2012 vers 17h00, après un trajet avec ma famille de La Sagrada Familia à la Place de la Catalunya.
Je n'ai pas relevé le numéro du taxi car je m'en suis aperçu après.
L'appareil photo numérique est un PENTAX gris métal qui était dans son étui noir avec écrit dessus PENTAX en gris.
J'offre un récompense de 30 euros. Merci beaucoup par avance.
taxi fare - pam (18 Lug 2012 - 09:30)
what is fare from BCN to Hotel Jazz on Aug.30th appox. 10:00am???
Taxi fare - Frances Bartlett (16 Lug 2012 - 15:30)
Before you get into a Taxi always ask the price of the journey. How much will it cost to...? Once the price has been negociated, the Taxi driver cannot change it. Always check the metre switched on and adjusted when you get in.
Tourist are always a target. Be alert and stay safe!
scammed with fare - Terri (15 Lug 2012 - 10:45)
Taxi cab #2377 do not take. He is a total scammer. My husband and I had a ride from the port to the airport. 2 bags and 1 backpack that we handled. After much research the ride should have cost 35e but instead he charged us 45e, 6:30am, no traffic. When I called him on it he tried to tell me of the extra fees. I told him I was aware of the bagagge fee, port fee, and airport fee that adds to $9.20. The meter read 2.25 and 23.65 so he added 20e of fees. short of having a shouting match at the airport we paid it. What a way to have your vaction end. Do no get in a cab until you are very clear with the driver what it is going to cost.
LOST CAMERA - Suzette Leupi (10 Lug 2012 - 08:30)
I lost my photo camera CANON 550D in the taxi. We took the taxi from TRAMVIA-BLAU, TIBIDABO around 3:40 pm. going to Av. DIAGONAL, L'Illia shopping mall. The taxi driver seems so nice to us & take us to the quickies way possible. I do hope he's a kindhearted man too to report our missing camera. The camera is not the most important thing to get back but our pictures taken on our trip to Asia & many pictures as well on our holiday here in Barcelona. Thank you Mr. Driver if you happened to report it.
Sorry Frank - Mario W. (10 Lug 2012 - 08:30)
Hey sorry about the phone ...
I lost my phone, which was in my jacket pocket, that same day in a taxi headed to the Moll D'Adssat to embark on a cruise. The dispatcher tracked down the cab driver who informed the cruise line director that he found my jacket, I assume he discovered my phone in there and decided to let the dispatcher know he never found my phone but the cruise director never indicated my phone was missing. She told them my "gray jacket" was missing
Lost camera/phone/id - Monica Kimmel (6 Lug 2012 - 07:45)
My friend and I lost our camera (Canon SD1300 IS) and a blackberry bold. We also lost a Swiss ID and a student id card belonging to Ayu. These items were all in a black clutch. It was lost on July 1, 2012 at around 3 AM from Poble Espanyol (La Terrazza) to Barceloneta beach. I just want the photos from the camera. I don't care about the camera. I will give a reward. Please these items are very important. I have been stressing about this and still somehow think theres hope in finding the photos. Any info, please contact
Lost iphone - Frank (1 Lug 2012 - 12:15)
Iphone left in taxis yesterday 30th June, 3.15pm. Taxis license number 125. Anyone that can help find it, will offer big reward. Call Frank 677104514
Scammed by taxi drivers in Barcelona yesterday 28/06/2012 - upset (29 Giu 2012 - 11:15)
yesterday I arrived Barcelona with my family( husband & 2 kids), we got in a taxi from the airport and when we arrived our hotel the meter read €22 but through some magical handling of it the meter showed €42 after the driver was done with it. I was left wondering what had gone on but where I'm from(Nigeria) you are conditioned to think that every other part of the world is honest but from what I have experienced that is totally untrue because I have never been scammed in my life except for my experiences abroad, a similar thing happened to us in Amsterdam. The authorities have to do something about this
Cost of cab - Maxey (23 Giu 2012 - 12:00)
How much will a cab cost from Paseo de Gracia 116, piso 1 & 2, Barcelona to Barcelona Airport BCN
Lost digital camera - Baylee Welch (20 Giu 2012 - 10:30)
Lost digital camera in back of taxi. Tuesday June 19, 2012 (19 de Junio de 2012) around 2am (26:00) The camera is blue and has pictures of a couple: girl with blonde hair and boyfriend.
I will be willing and able to pay a reward for this camera if found, as it the pictures are more valubale to me then the camera itself.
Please email me at
Taxis in bracelona - andrew pang (11 Giu 2012 - 09:45)
There should be an advisory issued to warn against scam taxi drivers in Bracelona. I recently came back from Bracelona where I was scammed twice (out of three taxi rides). The taxi drivers are giving the city a bad reputation.
Lost iPhone Monday May 28 - Brendan McLaughlin (29 Mag 2012 - 08:30)
lost iPhone in taxi dropped off at Catalana Cervesaria on 236 Mallorca early monday evening.
Please call us phone 813 300 3365
VISITES - MANSION (12 Mag 2012 - 12:00)
Lost Iphone - G. Opalich (23 Apr 2012 - 09:45)
Lost iPhone en route to the airport.
8 April 2012
6:00 AM
Lost Iphone - Dennis Bley (28 Mar 2012 - 09:45)
He olvidado mi mobil ayer en una taxi de la estaci¡on del metro "Diagonal" a la estacion "Hostafrancs" al uno y media. Si tienes, por favor llamame, mi numero: 610 469 257!
transporte - Elen (6 Mar 2012 - 09:15)
Alguien me puede decir por favor ¿que cuesta mas o menos un taxi desde el aeropuerto al centro de Barcelona? O ¿que transporte resusta mejor? Gracias
credit cards - senora Linda (20 Dic 2011 - 09:45)
Is credit cards accepted especially American Express in Barcelona?
Moto taxi à Barcelone ? - Moto taxi à Barcelone ? (20 Nov 2011 - 16:45)
Pourquoi ne pas transport en mototaxi à Barcelone.
Paris Driver peux vous transportez au départ de l'aéroport d'Orly (ORY) ou même de Roissy Charles de Gaulle (CDG) un service de taxi à moto.
Leader du transport de personnes à moto plus connu sous le nom de taxi moto Paris, PARISDRIVER Transport à moto dans Paris...
Taxi driver scam Nov 4, 2011 Barcelona - K. Shuler (11 Nov 2011 - 12:30)
From Celebrity (Barcelona Port) to Melia International Hotel on Sarria, a taxi driver charged us 25 Euros. The meter read 11.70 Euros-said the extra charge was for luggage. Stupidly we paid but memorized Taxi#10182 and license 4700FRC. We reported the incident to the hotel desk. We found out the correct charge - 14 Euros - from another couple who made the same trip.
Scam Driver - S.L. Garber (1 Nov 2011 - 22:15)
Taxi driver scammed us in Barcelona. Took taxi from hotel to a restaurant about 15 minutes away. Two blocks before the restaurant when the meter said 11 euros, he fiddled with the meter dials and on arrival at the restaurant, turned the meter off and told us the fare was 20 euros. We did not want to have a fight in the middle of the street so we paid but asked for a receipt. The driver wrote his name on the receipt-Gregorio Eino Gueraero. The return to the hotel was 12.50 euros. We reported this to the hotel in case they can track this scam artist down.
Information - Email: (4 Set 2011 - 10:45)
Hola aquí acabo de hacer un viaje de Canadá en Barcelona y me di cuenta de un equipo muy interesante en el techo de su taxi coche (sobre la base magnética 15x30cm) Me gustaría saber donde puedo comprar unos cuantos gracias
Lost and found service - Estelle (14 Mag 2011 - 11:30)
Better not to forget anything in a taxi on Friday night! As there is no way you can contact anyone before Monday... Either the receipts should indicate the taxi company (which they don't, only the plate number. This means you have to call tens and tens of companies to try and locate your taxi), or the lost and found service should be open during the weekend as well...
Calling a taxi by phone - Isabelle (21 Apr 2011 - 10:15)
I will need a taxi around a saturday. If a call by phone a taxi, do they speak english? I wonder if it's better to go out on the street, like this I won't have to said the address by phone with my funny accent? Don't wan't to mist the plane!!! ;-) But there is taxi at 5 am in the street? I will be near Montjuic. Thank you!
taxis aeropuerto - Anna Maria Tarrago (26 Gen 2011 - 09:30)
Siempre que voy a BCN uso el taxi,es verdad, es rapido,comodo y no lo encuentro excesivamente caro. alguien me informa cuanto cuesta mas o menos la ida del taxi del aeropuerto a Sitges ? gracias.
Joaquin Martín - el mismo (23 Gen 2011 - 12:45)
El taxi es el mejor transporte publico-privado que tiene la ciudad es rápido , seguro y responsable .
Que supone un coste cero para la administración local y la mayor fuente de recaudación para la misma .