Bars and Cafes in Barcelona

Going out in Barcelona: Clubs, Bars and cafe


Nightlife starts late in Barcelona...

 Remember that nightlife in Barcelona starts around 10pm for bars, midnight for clubs. Bars close around 2am in week days and 3am during the week end.

 You can find ou selection of best clubs in Barcelona in our guide: Best Nightlife in Barcelona

 Help us by posting comments and ratings on every bar's review on this directory.

 Check our page Wine Tour Barcelona for wine tours.

    Best bars and cafe in Barcelona

    Bars & Cafes

    Our selection of best bars and cafes in Barcelona

    Barcelona Wine bars

    Wine bars

    Wine bars in Barcelona

    guide to the best places to enjoy vermouth like a Catalan in Barcelona


    In Barcelona, vermut (vermouth) hour is a special time. Between 11am and 1pm, locals often gather in bars to enjoy a vermut before lunch. But this tradition is changing, as vermut can now be enjoyed at any time of the day, in its simplest form or in the most sophisticated cocktails... Our guide to the best vermuterias in the Catalan capital.  



    Pubs in Barcelona

    tea room

    Tea room

    Tea room in Barcelona

We Recommend >> Must-sees in Barcelona

These are the most recommended things to do in Barcelona for your holidays.

Barcelona Hotels

The ideal hotel for your stay

Whether you are looking for a family or a business stay or just for a weekend, we have selected for you the best hotels in the city to choose from. All categories at all prices. But also the bargains according to your travel dates. Have a good stay!

Barcelona Hop-On Hop-Off Bus tour

Barcelona Hop-On Hop-Off Bus

Best City Tour: One single ticket, 3 routes and 45 stops!

Discover city sightseeing at your own pace with our selection of Hop-On Hop-Off bus tour tickets. An extraordinary and economic way to make the first connection with main tourist attractions.

From € 31.00
Hola Barcelona Public Transport Card

Hola Transport Card

Unlimited access to public transport

Enjoy unlimited access from 48 to 120 hours to Barcelona's public transport: Metro, bus (TMB), urban railway (FGC, Zone 1), Montjuïc funicular, tram (TRAM), regional railway (Rodalies de Cataluny) + 1 round trip from the airport to the city center. Only excluding NitBus, Aerobus & hop-on hop-off.

From € 17.50
Barcelona City Pass

Barcelona City Pass

Incl. Sagrada Familia, Park Güell + Hop-On Hop-Off..

The "City Pass Barcelona" our best selling pass!
> Sagrada Família Fast Lane + Audioguide
> Fast entrance to Park Güell + Audioguide
> Hop-on Hop-off 24 or 48 hours or Casa Batlló or Casa Milà
> 10% discount on other tours
> Audioguide of Barcelona

From € 94.00


  1. Café Alexandria - Lucia S. (23 Apr 2014 - 08:30)

    Fuí la semana a este lugar y me encantó. Muy limpio, buen ambiente, buen servicio y riquisisisisisma comida. Se los recomiendo, queda en Passeig de la Bonanova 10

  2. Bar La LLibertària - Robert (23 Mar 2012 - 19:15)

    Us recomano que li feu una ullada, és un Bar molt maco i les cambreres profesionals.

  3. Bar La LLibertària C/ Tallers 48 (El Raval). - rebanas (22 Mar 2012 - 19:00)

    Local recomendable por su autenticidad, un trozo de la historia de barcelona en sus paredes. Las tapas y los precios son buenos, así como su ambientación y el servicio.

  4. Bar Caula - (18 Mar 2012 - 10:45)

    Alguien conoce el Bar Caula en Perelada? Yo soy nieta de Carlos Caula y Rosalia Lopez Me gustaria me envien fotos del lugar

  5. Casual fast food. - flavia Lo tufo (27 Nov 2011 - 01:45)

    If you are in Barceloneta, want to eat healthy, fast, good and cheap. Go to Pope? S Take Away is very good. Cereals and breads have fiber, Full of fresh. Natural Chips and arepas. This street comte de santa clara 30.

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