Restaurants in Barcelona
In this directory restaurants are sorted by type like: Catalan,Tapas, Mediterranean, Nouvelle cuisine…
You can also find Best restaurants in Barcelona sorted by area, price, and top ten in our Barcelona Where to eat Guide.
Book a food tour or a cooking class to get to know the traditional Spanish food, you can find all the information on our pages Barcelona Food Tour and Cooking classes in Barcelona.
Remember that lunch is served from 2pm until 4pm and dinner from 9pm to 11pm
Restaurants in Barcelona are often closed on Sunday nights.
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Slow Food
In this guide, you'll discover the gems of Barcelona's slow food scene, where respect for produce, producers and the environment is at the heart of every establishment.

People with non-dairy diet - Mirva, Finland (11 Sep 2012 - 07:45)
Unfortunately people in Barcelona (maybe in the whole Spain/Catalonia) do not understand the term NON-DAIRY. It is very important and crucial for people with milk allergy to know that the locals may not be understanding what you ask. Many barely understand when asking more simple way "Does this....contain any milk?". So it's better if you speak spanish/catalan to be able to get your message through and getting the correct answer.
When just speaking english I wasn't so lucky and I got allergic reaction in the middle of my way to Park Güell......having hotel far enough not being able to return to.
ottimo ristorante!! - reanna (22 Jan 2012 - 20:00)
Garlana, Paseig de Capitan Arena,un ottimo ristorante,soprattutto la sera , dove un eccellente cuoco prepara una paella divina!!! Da provare!!