Can Culleretes

Can Culleretes - Barcelona
200 years old, Can Culleretes is the oldest restaurant in Barcelona, the second oldest in Spain. That is little to say that this Brasserie is a classic of Catalan cooking.
Traditional dishes like roast lechon (suckling pig), cuixa d'oca amb pomes (goose leg with apples), Canelones de brandada de bacalao...
That smells unfortunately the old house, a family kitchen but really without more. One final we were really disappointed. Must make efforts to return in the race.
Can Culleretes
Carrer Quintana, 5, 08002 Barcelona, SpainArea: Barrio Gótico
Website: Can Culleretes - Barcelona
Opening hours: From 1pm to 4 pm and from 9pm to midnight. Closed Monday and Sunday night
Prices: 15€ - 25 €
Phone: 93.317.30.22
Phone 2 : Fax: 93 412 59 92
Metro/Bus: Metro: Liceu (L3)
Barcelona metro map
Hotels: Find your hotel in Barcelona in this area.
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Can Cullertes - Joaquin Roa (25 Apr 2013 - 11:15)
Their website says open 9am to 4pm then 9-11pm.
A little gem at a real budget - Penfold (15 Feb 2011 - 09:45)
This is an ideal little restaurant for those on a budget. Food is fairly basic, but tasty. We found the waiting staff to be very attentive and polite. It suited us fine - so much so, we went there twice in our short stay.
Bearing in mind the size of the restaurant (it's huge), it was busy both times we were there, which I feel is generally the mark of a popular restaurant.
It is a bit difficult to find, but I'd say well worth it.
Cattivo ristorante - Adriano Milano (24 Jul 2010 - 14:45)
L'abbiamo provato una volta, spinti dalle guide...
Per l'amor di dio, non ci andate.
L'interno è vecchio, nulla a che vedere con quelli del porto.
Ci hanno servito 2 fritti misti tiepido/FREDDoI!.
Sembravano quelli surgelati riscaldati al microonde e serviti , da quanto la pastella si staccava dal pesce. Il mio salmone alla piastra aveva di tutto fuorchè del pesce fresco.
Non capivano una parola di inglese, o facevano finta.
Concludendo: lasciamolo a chi vuole mangiare male, ma proprio tanto male...
ps: non aggiungo nulla sul servizio perchè anche lì ci sarebbe da piangere.
se poi osserverete da fuori le cucine, altro che igiene e sanità.
Da noi i NAS chiudono per molto molto meno i locali.!
In quattro ci siamo detti: mai più!!!
totalemen d'accord!! - Anne (24 Jul 2010 - 14:39)
Entièrement d'accord!!nous avions choisi ce restaurant suite aux éloges des guides de tourisme et le résultat fut très décevant: à l'entrée il y avait au moins 20personnes qui attendaient pour manger(le resto n'ouvrant qu'à 21h!) et nous avons été servis en toute vitesse, et la cuisine peu fameuse...C'est sur on évite!!!
maleducada - un cliente (15 Dec 2007 - 12:01)
El sitio tiene encanto, pero la señora que lo lleva es una maleducada cargada de prepotencia....
BAD!! - T. Aarrestad (6 Jun 2007 - 20:00)
I found it! Unfortunately! Boring interior, very bad food! The food was really terrible and the personell didn`t understand a word english and didn`t even try to understand at all!! The service was a disaster, the whole experience was a disappointment and a disaster and we went out still hungry.
can't find this restaurant - Cliff (20 May 2007 - 01:21)
The Can Culleretes restaurant can not be found on the map