
Vinçon - Barcelona
This is a company from Barcelona with a very well known name which sells contemporary products for the home.
Vinçon offers a huge variety of products : from curious decoration objects to kitchen tools, all kind of furniture’s design, a children section, an illumination section, …
But every single object has something special and different and you will probably find them only in this shop.
It is a very good shop to buy presents cause all the products are different and curious.
Passeig de Gràcia, 96, 08008 Barcelona, SpainArea: Eixample right
Website: Vinçon
Opening hours: From Monday to Saturday from 10h to 20.30h
Phone: +34 93 215 60 50
Phone 2 : Fax (+34) 93 215 5037
Metro/Bus: Metro green line (L3) till the stop "Diagonal"
Barcelona metro map
Hotels: Find your hotel in Barcelona in this area.
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Boutique Vincon - Stéphanie (23 Nov 2010 - 02:59)
Un boutique est superbe, et immense!! jetez un oeil aussi au batiment, rare.. des petits objets insolites pour votre deco intérieur..j'ai craqué pour les petits vases en métal design..pour une marguerite par exple:) wouaww
vinçon - louis (24 Jul 2010 - 14:41)
C’est la boutique la plus connue de Barcelone pour la décoration d’intérieur… entre expo d’art et objets rares.. mais aussi objets fonctionnels… bref un passage obligé