Where to eat in Barcelona?
Cervecerias are bars where they serve beer, but also all kinds of drinks, sodas, coffee, wine, etc. like in the tasks (snack bars).
For a complete meal we will go to a restaurant, for a see food meal we will go to a marisqueria.
Meson is a family restaurant. Bodega is a wine bar, Chiringuito is a place near the sea and a fonda is a hostel.
Please go to where to eat in Barcelona to find our selection of best restaurants in Barcelona.
hola - carla (28 Dec 2010 - 20:30)
glacias cest très bon !
hola - carla (28 Dec 2010 - 20:30)
Hola merci les restaurants que vous conseiller sont delicieux j'ai beaucoup aimé le Cal Pep.