Renaissance architecture in Barcelona
In Barcelona the industry thrives in the economic and demographic way. Its medieval walls cannot hold the city no more. In 1860, Idelfons Cerda organizes a city urban development plan: two parallel streets and perpendicular to the sea and cut in blocks. In New York the called apple, here it is called Manzana. And the squaring imagined by Cerda becomes L'Eixample. An extension which encroaches on the cities and villages of the plain and opens Barcelona from one side to the other with a large avenue (Gran Via) and two diagonals (Meridiana and Diagonal
Barcelona occupies two thousand Hectares (that is to say twenty times the surface of the medieval city), Barcelona shows its power in Spain. And takes part in the political and cultural movement which will shine in the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX in a new form of Art: The Modernism.
1 comment
Edificios y arte renacentista en Barcelona - Adela (10 Jul 2012 - 08:30)
Me han comentado que el Renacimiento no llegó a cuajar en Cataluña. Sin embargo, veo algunos edificios por el casco antiguo qu epodrían ser de ese estilo. Han pensado en añadir un listado y algunas fotos del arte renacentista en barcelona?