El Cangrejo

El Cangrejo - Barcelona
El Cangrejo est un bar carrément kitsch, connu pour ses spectacles de Drag Queens et ses petites représentations théâtrales. Sans prétention et très drôle on y vient boire un verre surtout en hiver car c’est trop « chaud » en été où cela chauffe une bonne partie de la nuit au son de Dj's assez house. Ambiance locale…
El Cangrejo
C/Montserrat, 9, 08001 Barcelona, EspagneQuartier: El Raval
Site web: El Cangrejo - Barcelona
Horaires d'ouverture: Vendredi et samedi de 23 à 1h30.DJ's live le mercredi et le jeudi de 23 heures à 4 heures.
Tél.: +34 933 01 29 78
Métro/Bus: Metro: Drassanes (Línea 3)
Plan metro Barcelone
Hôtels: Trouvez votre hotel à barcelone dans dans ce quartier.
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6 commentaires
Bar Cangrejo - Circe (1 mars 2011 - 23:30)
Esos seres que tienen su espectáculo en el bar Cangrejo, son lo más parecido a Dios que conocí hasta el momento.
incultura popular - pepiyo (9 nov 2008 - 13:51)
El Cangrejo, como pub, es muy bueno, por el servicio, la música y la decoración. Hacen espectáculos de travestis que animan al público, pero cuidado si vas con gente de otras culturas son un foco de burla fácil para el show y hace que estas personas se sientan mal, porque les cuesta establecer límites entre la risa y la mala educación que cae en tópicos que deberían estar superados, y más entre gente de la noche, abierta y presumiblemente sin prejuicios.
New and improved - Paul (4 fév 2008 - 16:01)
Ignore the July '06 report as everything has been remodelled and updated. Best Club in town - amazing music, GREAT atmosphere, hotties and cuties at every turn !!!
Que viva el Cangrejo! - M. (13 juil 2007 - 23:38)
Just three words: DON'T MISS IT.
Well, a few more now: great crowd, great music, great vibe and the awareness of being in one of, if not THE best club in Barcelona. Never seen that many people smiling and having a reeeeal good time!
It was closed for a while, moved to another location, now it's back (with a vengeance) in the original spot in Raval.
the best club ever!!!! - loreal girl....jejeje (20 juin 2007 - 21:10)
its an awesome bar, lots of fun, great people, u will have tons of fun for sure!!!!............. and the big plus the owner is fucking awesome!!!1 so hot my God!!!!!
El Cangrejo - Robert (1 juil 2006 - 21:27)
We were in the Cangrejo earlier this year. It's quite down at heel and a bit tatty, and is in a less than salubrious part of town, but it was absolutely packed with local lunatics singing along to the 60's Spanish pop being mimed by the drag performers. All the other punters could see we were obviously visitors, but were very welcoming.
It's incredibly friendly, and very busy. Suspend your disbelief and give it a try.