Bar Marsella

Bar Marsella
Dali, Picasso, Gaudí, Heminway... Et beaucoup d'autres artistes célèbres venaient ici au Bar Marsella pour boire et discuter.
Commandez une absinthe, interdite en France ici elle est en vente libre. Ouvert depuis 1820, ce bar est probablement un des tous premiers de Barcelone. C’est aujourd'hui le repère des jeunes artistes alternatifs, des étudiants mais aussi de quelques nostalgiques du Mai 68.
Bar Marsella
C/Sant Pau, 65, 08001 Barcelona, EspagneQuartier: El Raval
Site web: Bar Marsella - Barcelona
Horaires d'ouverture: de 21h à 3heures
Tél.: +34 93 442 72 63
Métro/Bus: Liceu (L3) , Paral.lel (L2, L3)
Plan metro Barcelone
Hôtels: Trouvez votre hotel à barcelone dans dans ce quartier.
A visiter aux alentours
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El Raval - Carrer de la Unió, 17 -
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Palais Guell
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El Raval - C. Nou de la Rambla, 3-5
10 commentaires
bar marsella - ampar (4 oct 2011 - 16:00)
menudo local, sucio , los camareros antipaticos
y desde luego cayendose, para no volver.
from cyprus - nikolas (27 août 2011 - 11:15)
i was there 17-8-2011
one off the best bar i ever been.just fantastic.nice service good prizes and lovelly people.
ma? - JBL (25 mars 2011 - 08:45)
But is it still open? I heard they closed the place...
Cool Bar - Patrick (2 fév 2011 - 13:15)
This bar is like a small secret of Barcelona,
If you don't know the place you will pass it.
Its very relax, looks very beautyfull.
relax, tranquile, douceman, chill, easy
Barcelona and Absinthe - Ed (14 juin 2008 - 12:57)
I recently traveled to Barcelona, and as an American one of my objectives was Absinthe. I had a great time at Bar Marsella. The atmosphere was exactly what I was looking for. Hyper rustic, jammed with interesting people, and homemade Absinthe served at every table. My only critique was the effect of the absinthe was nothing different from any other alcohol.
While I was in Barcelona I bought a bottle of a different brand on Las Ramblas. I don't remember the name but it was in a black wine bottle and was expensive ($36). However it did deliver on a totally different effect than regular alcohol. Not sure what they put in that stuff.
GREAT BAR - Ken (19 jan 2008 - 21:40)
The best bar in Barcelona! Friendly staff and always a fun time....
excellent - andyvain (23 août 2007 - 12:49)
Un décor décalé, une ambiance chaude, un service réactif...autant d'atouts qui font de ce bar une excellente destination pour boire une absinthe...
Cool - Little john (31 juil 2007 - 16:10)
L'ambiance un peu ancienne est superbe, une bonne ambiance où les gens s'amusent et rigolent ! de plus l'absynthe est très bonne, on en abuse meme!!! Allez-y
par conte il fait chaud!!
crowded with American tourists - courtney love fan (10 déc 2006 - 01:03)
I was in Bar Marsella on the first Saturday night in December, arriving around midnight. It was extremely crowded but we got lucky and got a table shortly after we arrived. Then it got even more packed! Lots of American frat boys and sorority b's. Absente was an interesting experience but no more than other strong liquor. I'm surprised it is still banned anywhere where vodka is sold.
Drinking absinthe - Brent (19 août 2006 - 02:22)
Me and two of my buddies stoped in here for some absinthe. It was a great bar, not too crowded. Everyone was drinking absinthe there and nothing else.